Poor Public Transport SystemGOA’S public transportation system is depressing, to say the least. The transportation minister and the KTC chairman, Mr Reginald Lourenco should work on and improve not only the condition of the buses, but also the services they provide. Goa needs competent professionals to manage basic services like transportation. These critical necessities should not be given to people who cannot deliver results.
On Tribals and Conversions
IN the context of alleged religious conversions that Christian missionaries are accused of in Orissa, it must be noted that tribals are not Hindus. Tribals are extremely impoverished and neglected people who would continue to wallow in poverty and be neglected by fundamentalists had it not been for the missionaries. What these missionaries have done is to ensure that every single rupee funded to them reaches the tribals by way of food clothing, shelter and education. If some of them convert to Christianity, nobody has a right to object. The surest way to stop perceived conversions and reconvert these tribals to their original faith, (whatever it may be) is to ensure that every single rupee provided by the state exchequer reaches these hitherto forgotten tribals. Like forced conversions, forced re-conversions too should not be permitted by the law.
In Opposition To Reality TV
THE ‘Indian Idol’ contest on Sony Television is into its fourth year. Undoubtedly the contest has evoked widespread interest among the youth of the country. But the big question is what purpose does such a contest really serve. Lakhs of youth, who can sing as well as those who think they can, make a beeline for the auditions in various states. This seems like a lot of time wasted as far as the contestants are concerned. If they get through the first round the winners have to go all the way to Mumbai for the next round. One look at the initial rounds and it becomes quite clear that the majority of the contestants know nothing about singing. To add salt to injury the judges have a lot of negative things to say to the contestants. We have had a lot of negative things happening because of such shows, right from the mysterious death of Ishmit Singh, one of the winners of the contest, to a contestant losing her voice in one of such shows. Such contests need to be banned as it serves no purpose and is just a waste of time (and money) of the contestants and their families as it sells false dreams.
UPA's Appeasement Policies Galore
WITH the elections getting closer, there have been two glaring decisions taken by the Union Government (NT, October 4) to appease certain sections of society. It was shocking to note that the income ceiling for the creamy layer of the OBC category has been raised to Rs 4.5 lakhs per annum, essentially purported to circumvent the apex court’s ruling, of keeping the creamy layer from the ambit of reservation. Needless to state the new limit amounts to approximately Rs 40,000 per month. Does it make any sense to give protection to this category under the quota system just because they belong to some backward class under the schedule? How can we classify a family with such a soaring income as still belonging to the backward classes? This is the undoing of the UPA government – only appeasing various sections for strengthening its vote bank.